Wednesday, March 30, 2011



"I am the walrus."


"I am the walrus."


"I am the walrus."

What's that supposed to mean?


"It's my mantra."

Your mantra?  That's a stupid mantra, Denny.  "I am the Walrus?"

"It keeps me going."



You've been climbing for a bit now, man.  This is spring snow, and it's really deep and heavy.  Why don't you take a break?

"No can do.  Long way to go."

Yeah, but this hurts!  Your calves are screaming right now, man!  And there's a couple pieces of dried mango in your backpack you can eat.  


And do you hear how your bindings are creaking?  Your skins are probably coming off too.  Have you checked the-?

"I checked the tip and tail."

These skis are ancient.  I can't believe you're trying to telemark up this backcountry wilderness.  You don't even know how to ski properly.

"These skis are from the '90s."

Yeah.  Ancient.

Swish-wumph...  WUMPH!


Ok.  No need to panic.  Look up. 


Right.  No avalanches coming down.  But what was that?

"Wind slab?"

Must be.  Careful now, man.  Pay attention.



"Skis sound normal on the snow.  Maybe the slab's not very big."

Normal is good.  Holy crap!  Wouldja look at that.  You're about to reach the ridgeline!

"Yeah.  Good thing too, my legs are jelly.  I am the walrus."


"Alright.  Almost.  There.  I.  Am .  The walrus.



The walrus.

I.  Am.  The walrus!


Geez, that wind is howling.  But, hey...  Look...


This is incredible.  This is beauty.  The mountains marching off in every direction, snowy white and luminous...  The wind, swirling through the tree branches, slipping ice crystals under clothes...  Hey!  Don't start crying up here, man!  That shit'll freeze.  Put your coat on.

"Ok.  Yeah.  Coat's on, helmet's on, goggles on.  Let's see... Good to go?"

How many times have you done this dude?  Your boots are still unlocked, and your heel lifter bars are up.  Your skins are still on, and you haven't checked your zippers.  This is downhill, Denny.  In the backcountry.  Get your head in it.

"Oh, yeah.  It's just, everything's so beautiful, and I'm trying to catch my breath-"

Stow it.  You could've taken a break back there in the aspen grove, but you wanted to get to the top.  Now you're there.  Do it right.

"Ok, cinched down bootstraps, bindings are good.  Ripping skins.  Skins ripped.  Backpack on.  Zippers closed. Ready to go."

Then go.

"What!?  Oh.  Right."


"Holy shit.  Holy shit.  Holy shit.  Holy shit."

Breath.  Bend your knees.  Pick your line.  Soon, the trees will disappear, and the only thing left will be the spaces.  You will exist as part of the snow, caressing it, being caressed, losing yourself in the turns.  Twist silently through this place.  Be beauty. 

Now, step to the left.  Drop into the bowl and float...

"Step to the left.  Drop into the bowl and float..."


Friday, March 25, 2011


he swept past her
grooming the night
for the final
sparkling pilgrim
to rush upon
a new moon's
last little hope
for a new direction.